Mythbusting: Tinnitus

“Is there nothing you can do for Tinnitus?”

This is common question that is thrown around when discussing treatment options for tinnitus. This question couldn’t be further from the truth, where there are multiple solutions with clinical proof of relieving tinnitus. The myth that there are no treatment options for tinnitus results in clients putting off seeking advice for tinnitus management and can lead to feelings of helplessness.


The origin of this question likely comes from the initial lack of understanding about tinnitus and/or absence of a standardised treatment pathway. This was indeed true prior to the otological studies of Jean Marie Gaspard Itard (1774-1838). Since then, a large body of work investigating the pathophysiology, causes and treatment of tinnitus has been published.

It is true that there is no ‘cure’ for tinnitus. By this, I mean there is no FDA approved drug or medical surgery that will effectively treat idiopathic tinnitus (tinnitus with unknown cause). In short, there is no easy fix and could be another reason why people think there are no available options for tinnitus relief.

Recently, a set of guidelines have been published by a leading group of Otolaryngologists, Psychologists, Scientists and Audiologists (Cima et al., 2019). The guidelines suggest that:

  • The client needs to be assessed for bothersome tinnitus and hearing loss.

  • If a client shows that they have no bothersome tinnitus education on hearing loss and tinnitus is recommended.

  • If bothersome tinnitus is identified, a multi-disciplinary approach is recommended that involves experienced audiologists and psychologists. With a combination of techniques using audiological intervention, psycho education and cognitive behavioural therapy, we achieve the best treatment strategy for tinnitus.

Learn more about tinnitus treatment options available with your local hearing expert or contact us today.

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